Marijuana as a allied to fight Tourette syndrome’s symptons

Marijuana as a allied to fight Tourette syndrome’s symptons

Pour: Contributor Médical

Marijuana in the fight against the symptoms of Tourette Syndrome.

Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that appears in childhood. Tourette´s symptoms include involuntary tics at a phonic and motor level. No cure has been found for this syndrome, although these tics normally improve with age.

Treatments for Tourette’s syndrome in children seek to combat, rather than to cure, the symptoms that present and reduce their frequency and intensity. However, medications that are used often cause side effects that can be worse than the symptoms themselves, such as muscle stiffness, tremors, depression, anxiety, lack of facial expression, slow movements, fatigue, and weight gain.

Scientific evidence, more than popular belief.

There are a number of clinical trials researching the use of cannabinoids as a treatment for Tourette’s disease, both as the main treatment and adjuvant. Of these, we would like to highlight one carried out by German scientists from the universities of Göttingen, Hamburg and Dresden, reporting the treatment of a 15-year-old boy with Tourette Syndrome (ST) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – a serious physical and psychosocial deterioration that until now was resistant to treatment. You can take a look to our CBD seeds.

The administration of THC gave a significant improvement in tics, without adverse effects, allowing a parallel stimulating treatment for comorbid ADHD. The THC treatment also increased intracortical inhibition, ie, inhibition of signal transmission between nerve cells in the cortex of the brain. It is also notable that several well known celebrities have Tourette syndrome: for example, Robert Pattinson or Zac Efron.

This German research team conducted several studies on the use of cannabinoids to treat Tourette’s disorder (also called Tourette’s syndrome), especially the reduction of tics, and in all of them it was shown that patients experienced either relief or a reduction in symptoms after consuming products derived from cannabis Sativa. A reduction in the side effects produced by traditional treatments was also observed. If you are interested in the various applications and uses of medicinal cannabis for therapeutic purposes we recommend you visit this section of the Yes We Skunk news.

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