
Super OG Kush is undoubtedly one of the best strains that you can grow. She is a modern classic, on this occasion revisited by Kannabia, whose origins may not be fully understood. One thing is certain, though: she looks, smells, and tastes incredible. And if you still haven’t had the chance to experience growing our Super OG Kush, we will show you her powers in the following grow report.

Nowadays, OG Kush is one of the most popular marijuana strains available on the market. But despite having such a popular name, her origins remain largely unknown, which in turn has helped increase her mystical appeal. Although no one is completely sure, OG Kush is possibly the result of the cross of Chemdawg with either Hindu Kush or Old World Paki Kush.

In the case of our updated version, called Super OG Kush, her family tree also remains full of illustrious surnames, concentrating on three strains (Black Domina, Lemon Thai, and Hindu Kush) to create a hardier and easier to grow variety with a more complete organoleptic profile.

What makes this strain a winner?

In the world of marijuana, strains come and go, but the genetics that develop true legacies find ways over the years to continue contributing to the world of self-cultivation. Super OG Kush is one of those strains, and perfectly sums up the Californian cannabis philosophy that is hitting the market so hard thanks to its great range of complex organoleptic profiles.

You can get all of this in one plant that doesn’t grow too tall but gets rather dense, with strong branches full of large and compact buds that take on lime green hues and develop an incredibly thick layer of white trichomes. Users looking to increase their tolerance will absolutely adore this beauty: with an average THC content of 22%, she can also be considered a highly potent strain.

Aroma and flavour

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of smelling our Super OG Kush, you’ll know that she has one of the freshest aromas that nature can produce. Some suggest it’s like being lost in an ancient wet forest, with woody and earthy touches that immediately hit your senses.

Nonetheless, those who enjoy acidic flavours are also in for a treat: she delivers a symphony of marked nuances of lime, lemon, and spices, with slight hints of citrus fruits, which result in a flavour that will definitely make your lips wrinkle. When you exhale, you’ll notice that characteristic diesel touch, which balances out this virtually perfect strain.


Some would probably say that Super OG Kush produces the ‘classic high’, because, in most cases, she’ll deliver every effect that you can possibly imagine. Initially, the experience starts with a euphoric impulse that will probably make your mood much better than it has been in quite some time; so make sure you take advantage of this to meet with friends. Nevertheless, get ready for at least one of two things that could happen to you as you descend from your cloud of euphoria: you might get the munchies big time, or you could also fall into deep relaxation.

Medical marijuana users often look for varieties that offer a wide range of effects, which means that Super OG Kush is highly demanded. Most claim that this strain is excellent to help deal with mental problems, such as depression or anxiety, whereas others like taking a few hits to find relief for bodily pain. Nausea and loss of appetite can also be mitigated with Super OG Kush; and if you need a good night’s sleep, you might consider going a little harder on this lady.

Growing Super OG Kush

Experienced growers claim that Super OG Kush is the perfect plant to grow indoors thanks to her modest size. The use of an optimised growing technique, such as Sea of Green (SOG) or Screen of Green (SCROG), is highly recommended to make the most of your investment, which you will see shining after a flowering period of 8 – 10 weeks.

This strain is also easy to handle outdoors, and thrives in warm and sunny climates such as the Mediterranean. She’s normally ready for harvest in mid-October. For the record, Super OG Kush responds well when grown hydroponically, although some experience is required to get the most out of her with this growing method. Now then, let’s see how she really gets on.

Super OG Kush’s step-by-step grow guide

  • Grow type: Indoor
  • Lighting: Vegetative: 1000W EYE Hortilux Daylight Blue Metal Halide (but working at 600W). Flowering: 1000W Super HPS.
  • Grower: GMSgrows
  • Number of plants: 3 in the same grow space (1 Super OG Kush, 1 Hellfire OG, and 1 Kritikal-K).
  • Nutrients: GHE Terra Aquatica (previously known as General Hydroponics).
  • Vegetative period: 4 weeks
  • Flowering period: 9 weeks

Germination and seedling phase

Week 1

In the first week, the grower starts by placing the seed directly in a substrate with high water retention and high air porosity capacity; in this case ProMix HP, with a pH of 5.7. With a 100% germination rate, the seed is directly planted in an 18-litre pot, which will be its home from start to finish.

Once the seed is in, the pot is placed under a Hortilux HID EYE lamp working at 600W, with a 24-hour vegetative light cycle. When the seed has germinated, the seedling receives its first nutrient intake at 400 ppm/0.8 EC with a pH of 5.8 during the first week. After the first week, the light cycle is changed to 18 hours of light.

Week 2

During the second week, the nutrient plan is changed to 500 ppm/1.0 EC, whilst the pH is maintained at 5.8 during the whole vegetative phase. The first true five-fingered leaves begin to sprout. No problems are found. Everything in order.

Grow parameters:

  • Daily temperature: 24 – 26 ºC
  • Pot size: 18 L
  • pH: 5.8
  • Height: 0 – 10 cm
  • Solution temperature: 20 ºC
  • Substrate temperature: 23 ºC
  • Night temperature: 21 ºC
  • Distance between lamp and plant: 60 cm
  • Irrigation volume: 3.79 L per plant per 24 hrs
  • Hours of light: 18
  • Air humidity: 60% – 55%

Vegetative phase

Week 3

Week 3: The 14-day-old plants already have well-established roots, and their rapid growth starts being noticeable. Therefore, the nutrient plan is increased by 100 ppm until reaching 600 ppm/1.2 EC, with a pH of 5.8. The nutrient dosage needs to be increased gradually. At this point, a full dosage is already required.

Week 4

Week 4: The plant has grown incredibly vigorously and has doubled in height. A bushy plant with short internodes and numerous side branches is developing quickly. She’s already reached the 50 cm mark and is ready to shift to the flowering phase. The timer is turned to 12/12 at the end of this week, and the nutrient solution is increased to 700 ppm/1.4 EC, with a pH of 5.9.

Grow parameters:

  • Daily temperature: 25 ºC
  • Pot size: 18 L
  • pH: 5.8
  • Total dissolved solids: 600 – 700 ppm
  • Height: 15 – 50 cm
  • Solution temperature: 20 ºC
  • Substrate temperature: 22 ºC
  • Night temperature: 20 ºC
  • Distance between lamp and plant: 60 – 70 cm
  • Irrigation volume: 3.79 L per plant per 24 hrs
  • Hours of light: 18
  • Air humidity: 50%

Early flowering stage

Week 5

Week 5 marks the beginning of the flowering period when the light cycle is changed to 12/12, and the humidity levels are progressively lowered to an average of 50%. The nutrient load is increased to 750 ppm/1.5 EC, which is then maintained for the rest of the growth cycle. The plant has grown to 66 cm and has started stretching during the transition to the flowering. Stakes are placed on the sides of the pot in anticipation of this stretching.

Week 6

Week 6: Super OG Kush has stretched a little, but not as much as expected. The plant reaches a height of 96 cm. She’s starting to flower, judging by the stigmas that are coming out of the bracts, which are a sign of a female plant in bloom. The EC reader stopped working, so the nutrient plan is based on the colour of the nutrients and the colour of the runoff. “I’ve done it so many times that I should be able to improvise until I can get a new reader”, claims the grower.

Grow Report – Super OG Kush
Week 7

Week 7: Super OG Kush is in full flowering mode and the buds are beginning to form. Accumulations of white stigmas have started appearing at either end of the branches. The plant has a bright and healthy green colour, and all the fingers of the leaves stretch out to catch as much light as possible. The lower branches start their new growth and develop their own small lateral branches. Humidity is further reduced, down to a comfortable 45%.

Grow parameters:

  • Daily temperature: 24 ºC
  • Pot size: 18 L
  • pH: 5.8
  • Total dissolved solids: 750 ppm
  • Height: 66 – 106 cm
  • Solution temperature: 20 ºC
  • Substrate temperature: 22 ºC
  • Night temperature: 20 ºC
  • Distance between lamp and plant: 66 cm
  • Irrigation volume: 3.79 L per plant per 24 hrs
  • Hours of light: 12
  • Air humidity: 45%

Full flowering stage

Grow Report – Super OG Kush
Week 8

Week 8: Vertical growth is maintained. This girl is really healthy and is starting to show signs of a beautiful flowering. Super OG Kush is now 120 cm high, and the apical stem shows increased internodal spacing, which will serve as support for the development of the main cola. The whitish stigmas multiply and begin to gain volume, whilst a light trichome layer starts covering their contours.

Week 9

Week 9: The flowers are accumulating well, and the future buds are beginning to show. Another week of stacking and then they’ll start bulking up. The only products used by the grower are the Floranova nutrient line, and the Massive Bloom formula for the flowering stage. These products are highly effective, reasonably cheap, and ideal for grows in soil, coco coir, or as in this case, Promix HP.

Week 10

Week 10: Super OG Kush has developed solid flowers coated in white stigmas. The stacking should occur as the first 3 weeks of actual flowering are completed. This is the time when they start to accumulate rather than stack. It looks like she’ll be producing some nice big flowers worth complimenting once they’ve finished forming. You can also anticipate a large main cola in the making. Humidity is maintained at 45% in the grow area, since the increase in bud mass is proportional to the probability of mould formation in wet conditions.

Grow parameters:

  • Daily temperature: 24 ºC
  • Pot size: 18 L
  • pH: 6.2
  • Total dissolved solids: 750 ppm
  • Height: 121 – 137 cm
  • Solution temperature: 20 ºC
  • Substrate temperature: 22 ºC
  • Night temperature: 19 ºC
  • Distance between lamp and plant: 66 cm
  • Irrigation volume: 5.68 L per plant per 24 hrs
  • Hours of light: 12
  • Air humidity: 45%

Ripening stage

Week 11

Week 11: The density of the buds begins to rapidly increase. They seem to be bulking up well. It’s time to hold the branches with the stakes. Some stigmas turn orange, which is normal for the fifth week of flowering. The manicuring process is going to be really easy, as most flowers have very few leaves. Calculate another 2 or 3 weeks until harvest time. “Now, the smell of this batch is hard to explain. It smells like wet arse with touches of lemon, and then you get another scent which I can’t quite understand. At the end of the day, it’s 3 different strains, each with their own unique smells”, explains the grower.

Week 12

Week 12: It’s been a couple of weeks since Super OG Kush stopped growing, as all her energy is invested in the production of buds and trichomes. Visually, you can see the buds in the fattening stage and spot that the bracts are beginning to swell. This indicates that we’re only one week away from harvest time. Everything goes smoothly while we wait for the maximum ripening point. The large fan leaves point towards the light, so the plant is receiving the right amount of water for optimum growth.

owards the beginning of week 13, Super OG Kush Fem starts showing signs of natural discoloration on the fan leaves, which indicates that the plant has reached maturity (not to be confused with the yellowing of the leaves, which may occur due to nutrient deficiencies). Nonetheless, the best visual indicator to determine the optimal ripening point is the colour of the trichome heads.

This is Super OG Kush’s last week. (“My wife will be pleased that her stench is coming to an end!”). Most pistils have turned orange and the trichomes look milky. All the useless leaves are removed at this point, and she’s prepared for a quick cut. Fertilisation has been lowered down to 60 ppm (virtually clean water) for the plant to make the most of the residual nutrient deposits in her leaves and to eliminate the largest possible amount of salts accumulated in her tissue, which will translate into a better flavour. “The buds are so hard that I think you could knock someone out with them”, says the grower, while he gets ready to cut and dry the plant. The grow has ended successfully.

Grow parameters:

  • Daily temperature: 24 ºC
  • Pot size: 18 L
  • pH: 6.3
  • Total dissolved solids: 60 ppm
  • Height: 147 cm
  • Solution temperature: 20 ºC
  • Substrate temperature: 22 ºC
  • Night temperature: 19 ºC
  • Distance between lamp and plant: 66 cm
  • Irrigation volume: 5.68 L per plant per 24 hrs
  • Hours of light: 12
  • Air humidity: 45%


Grow Report – Super OG Kush
Week 14

Super OG Kush is a cannabis strain that should be on every grower’s dream list. This is definitely a really easy-to-grow marijuana variety that on this occasion produced 367 grams of top quality flowers in just 13 weeks from germination. Generally speaking, she developed a robust structure, with lateral branches that withstood the weight of the flowers without the need to apply special training techniques. With short internodal spacing, the main stem developed a considerable cola.

Her predominantly indica genes have really shone through in her appearance and shape. Her smaller size makes this plant ideal for growing indoors, where she stretches through the vegetative stage but will not stretch much during the flowering. She grows quickly but likes her roots to be well-aerated. When grown indoors, the flowering time is relatively short, and she can be harvested in as soon as 8 weeks, although 10 weeks is the optimum time to obtain an outstanding flavour. Her buds ooze pine, petrol, and spices in bloom; and she produces a medium yield per square metre when grown indoors.

One of the reasons why Super OG Kush is considered one of the best genetics of the Kannabia seed catalogue is because she’s the perfect hybrid, with a good indica/sativa balance with regard to her terpene and cannabinoid profile. Having said that, she’s more indica-leaning in the way she grows as well as in the effects that she produces for most users.

Overall, if you’re looking to grow modern cannabis genetics that have already become classics, Kannabia’s Super OG Kush is definitely a must for you.

Kannabia Seeds Company sells to its customers a product collection, a souvenir. We cannot and we shall not give growing advice since our product is not intended for this purpose.

Kannabia accept no responsibility for any illegal use made by third parties of information published. The cultivation of cannabis for personal consumption is an activity subject to legal restrictions that vary from state to state. We recommend consultation of the legislation in force in your country of residence to avoid participation in any illegal activity.
