Five myths and truths about marijuana

Five myths and truths about marijuana

Por: Contributor Blog

The cannabis sativa plant – or marijuana, has been part of our culture since time immemorial, although in the last few decades it has been demonized and has become the object of prohibitions and restrictive policies. Those who know little about the role and evolution of this plant in our society may wrongly believe that it has always been banned and that it is only in recent years that its benefits have become the subject of serious debate. What is certainly true, is that in recent years more and more content related to this plant has being published.

From Kannabia Seeds Company, as specialists in marijuana seeds, we wanted to analyze some of the myths and truths about marijuana that are in current circulation.

1. Relaxation and marijuana: At a general level, and without going into specific cases, it can certainly be said that marijuana relaxes at a muscular level and has antispasmodic effects. For this reason it has been incorporated into the treatment of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, since in some cases it can slow down the muscle spasms caused by the disease. This property can also help during pre menstrual syndrome, as it decreases physical aches and pains. This soothing and calming effect can also help calm anxiety and compulsive eating tendencies.

2. Marijuana and Sex: There are different theories about the relationship between cannabis and sex. On the one hand, some sources affirm that cannabis is an aphrodisiac and leads to very pleasant sex sessions. On the other hand, some people claim that cannabis significantly reduces libido. The actual truth is that it all depends. In 2009 the Australian Research Center in Sex conducted a study analyzing the causes and effects of cannabis in sex. Part of the evidence from this study was that men who regularly consumed marijuana often reached orgasm more quickly and were generally not satisfied with the duration of their sexual performance. However, this type of study should not be taken as an absolute truth, for each body reacts differently according to tolerance, variety and form of consumption. Cannabis usually enhances the sensitivity of nerve endings; This is because thc is a vasodilator and the dilated capillaries in the erogenous zones of the body can increase the sensitivity and intensity of the sensations. No wonder the feeling that marijuana and sex are a good combination is widespread, as cannabis can reduce inhibitions ….

3. Sleep and Marijuana: For many people, cannabis is an exceptional aid to sleep. Even those who suffer from insomnia can achieve deep sleep thanks to a very strong Indica variety. Any habitual consumer will already be familiar with this fact. However, we should not forget that high CBD and THC marijuana affect sleep patterns differently. Almost all studies of the effects of marijuana on sleep have been conducted on THC. So far, there is no evidence from studies to conclude that CBD has a direct effect on sleep patterns. Normally Indica varieties lead to a heavier effect and produce more drowsiness than Sativa, although studies have not been able to reveal the exact reason why Indica helps sleep better than Sativa.

4. Marijuana and rest: Although cannabis use may help sleep in the short-term, the long-term effects may be different. A 2008 sleep study found that continued long-term cannabis use could worsen sleep conditions: causing shorter REM cycles, more disruption during sleep and a longer time to achieve deep sleep. On the other hand, the consumption of cannabis could also cause effects very similar to those of a hangover. The day after consumption, symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness or even headaches can be identified if the consumer has not hydrated properly.

5. marihuana and therapeutic effects: The cannabis plant contains at least 85 types of cannabinoids, many of which have a proven therapeutic value. However, it is important to know which cannabinoid is the one that can treat the symptoms associated with the problem we are dealing with. It cannot just be consumed generically.

From Kannabia Seed Company, as a cannabis seeds bank we would like to emphasize the importance of consulting a doctor whenever you intend to treat any illness or symptom with cannabis.

Kannabia Seeds Company sells to its customers a product collection, a souvenir. We cannot and we shall not give growing advice since our product is not intended for this purpose.

Kannabia accept no responsibility for any illegal use made by third parties of information published. The cultivation of cannabis for personal consumption is an activity subject to legal restrictions that vary from state to state. We recommend consultation of the legislation in force in your country of residence to avoid participation in any illegal activity.
